The Athena Award for Philosophy and Theology is a new, annually awarded academic prize at The Abbey Senior School in honour of our department emblem: Athena.
In Plato’s dialogue, Cratylus, Socrates, is asked about the etymology of Athena’s name. He replies that Athena means ‘mind,’ ‘intelligence,’ and ‘the mind or thought of god’ (theo noia). ‘Theos noesis’ is perhaps better translated as the intellectual apprehension of god (theos). In his Timaeus dialogue, Plato also describes Athena as a ‘lover of wisdom’ or, literally, a ‘philosopher’.
The Athena Award will be given annually for the best student essay on a chosen philosophical or theological topic. All Senior School students are invited to submit an essay each year on an assigned topic. Prize and entry details can be found on the student website for Philosophy and Theology. Any further questions can be directed to either Dr Cuthbertson or myself.
Happy philosophising,
Mrs Jest