Sporting stars


A great start to the New Year for Upper II and Lower III students with wins already this week in netball against Highfield for the older teams, netball against Cranford House for the Year 5s and football against St Joseph’s for both year groups. 

It’s fantastic to be returning more fully and safely to competitive sport and for the after school training sessions to be paying off!

Two Upper II students have also been having some success recently in cricket as well – possibly, dare I say, somewhat more so than the England squad out in Australia?!

Following a Berkshire trial programme across the autumn, Aanya and Livia have impressed the coaches with their standard of cricket and their commitment to improving their skills. They have been selected into the Berkshire U11 Hub programme for 2022 involving winter and summer training prior to matchplay and potential selection for the County Performance Squad. 

Both are looking to join Finchampstead CC, enjoying stepping up to hardball cricket. 

Aanya especially enjoys batting and practises at home in the drive (watch out for your windows, neighbours!). Livia loves fielding, is setting her sights on future top-level captaincy and would encourage others to take up the sport as there is “so much to learn and lots of different techniques”. They both enjoy watching on the TV with their dads and practising with them too.

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