In our Upper IV Spanish lessons, we have been learning about fashion and how to describe items of clothing and what other people are wearing. This topic has been appropriately called ‘Adictos a la moda’ which translates to ‘Fashion Addicts’. To further consolidate our learning, we had a fashion show for everyone who took Spanish to participate in. We brought in our favourite items of clothing and styled them before the lesson. In the lesson, we wrote a script that included the name of our fashion show and all of the models that would be partaking in the catwalk and what they were wearing- all in Spanish! We formed into groups of 4/5 and stood in front of the class to present our models (group members) while they walked up and down our DIY catwalk. It was great fun with music and seeing everyone wearing very creative outfits that were styled amazingly. Everyone had lots of fun and it truly was a one of a kind lesson!
Jeanie and Stephanie, Upper IV