Poetry by Heart


On Monday, Erin and I performed on stage at the Globe Theatre. I found a competition in February called Poetry by Heart for which there were two categories: traditional and freestyle. Erin and I entered a video to the freestyle category of us performing, from memory, the poem ‘Your Attention Please’ by Peter Porter about a nuclear countdown – little did we know how topical the poem would become in the following months! 

Having sent the video in to be judged, along with other entries from around the UK, we were delighted to find out that we had been selected to perform as finalists on stage at Shakespeare’s Globe – the performance opportunity of a lifetime! 

Then we realised the performance would be taking place in the middle of Erin’s Paper 2 chemistry GCSE. After many emails back and forth between Dr. Bellamy and the organisers, it was arranged that Erin and I could perform in the afternoon so Erin would have time to rush into London after her morning exam. 

The morning was spent listening to performances from people aged 7-18 and when Erin arrived at lunch time, we had minutes to prepare for our performance. After a quick lunch and warm up, we were led back stage within the heart of the Globe and waited to perform. 

The energy on stage was incredible and we both agreed it was our best performance yet. It was truly a wonderful opportunity to perform in that incredible venue and stand where so many famous actors had stood before us. Though nervous, we both tried to soak up the moments as best we could. 

A little while later, Patience Agbabi and other poetry royalty who were judging the competition came up to announce the winners of each category. Erin and I were absolutely shocked to hear that we had been chosen as champions of the Key Stage 4 age category. It was the perfect fairytale ending to a crazy day! 

Lily and Erin

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