Mask magnificence


Hi, I’m Lily and I make animal masks. I started in October 2024 when I saw a YouTube video of a mask maker and their art. Since Halloween was approaching, I decided to give it a try and bought some supplies. I started by altering the cat mask base and felting it. I did not own any paints at the time so I was graciously lent some paint from art department and was offered much advice from the art teachers despite not being an art student. With their help I brought my first mask idea to life. I draw out all my designs on Procreate so that they are completely original. I find it to be one of the most exciting parts of the process. Since then I have made another 13 masks with my own supplies and am currently in the process of opening an Etsy store to share my art.

Lily, Lower V

These are some of my favourite creations:

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