Maths Week is full flow at the Junior School! A week filled with puzzles, problem solving and mathematical inquiry.
It’s a great opportunity for a break from the usual curriculum to tackle more open-ended and exciting problems! In Upper II we have been building our resilience in problem solving through trial and error. Sometimes there are a few ways to solve a problem, but can you explain and show how or why?
We’ve been having lots of fun with magic squares, maths mysteries and Yohaku problems. See the example of a Yohaku above. Can you solve it?
Through the development of our trial and error skills, we build resilience to tackle other problems not just in maths, but in other areas of the curriculum and in life! Stay tuned for more maths magic next week!
Amelia and Taliah try their hands at magic squares. Lara, Zara and Zara tackle the Mystery of the Missing Fireworks. Shriya tries to solve the Ultimate Maths Week Date Challenge. Maryam and Madeehah try to crack the Roman numerals code. Will you be taking part in this year’s Maths Week Competition? “Maths in Action: Solving Real-World Puzzles!” Keep your eyes peeled for full guidance on how to enter!