It has been some time since the Art department has organised and taken our students on a school trip.
This week saw a return of our adventures to the Museum of Natural History in Oxford. We were lucky to take an exceptional group of Lower V students to help kick start their new project ‘Evolution’.
Here we spent a wonderful morning gathering source materials, research and direct drawing from the huge array of exhibits. We were even treated to the tail end of Kurt Jackson’s ‘Biodiversity’ exhibit.

In the afternoon the group had an extension talk and session (revolving around sketchbooks and presenting research) by our artists in residence Kristen Rawcliffe and Emily Kelly. The students have launched into some beautiful developments already for their component one coursework as a result. We wish to express our thanks to the Lower V artists for their impeccable attitude and dedication to the day. We also extend our thanks to Kristen and Emily for their invaluable experience, support and sessions.
The Abbey Art team