Lower V have finished this half term with a week of post exam celebrations, highlights including; the Summer social BBQ, taster lessons of IB and A level subjects in the sixth form, careers speed dating and an initial training day for Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award, all in beautiful sunshine.
The end of exams was the perfect excuse to don Hawaiian flower garlands and to celebrate with games of rounders, hands free coconut relay races and of course some limbo. If proof was needed, students are indeed far more supple than the staff who were also invited to take part, but it was a valiant effort from Mr le Fleming nonetheless!
Alicia Drummond, the Founder of Teen Tips, our Wellbeing Hub platform accessible for our whole school community, inspired students with her talk on resilience to start a day of careers, Mrs Robinson led on Morrisby profile testing and enormous thanks and appreciation must go to the 38 parent and alumnae volunteers who were subjected to an afternoon of quick fire questioning from the Lower V cohort who were keen to hear, on a 4 minute rotation, all about their different career paths and industry.
Lower V are about to head out on a day of initial training for their DofE Award in the Oxfordshire countryside, the weather is perfect and it is a fitting end to a busy but fulfilling week in Upper School at The Abbey.