Lower IV Philosophy and Theology Trip


We all enjoyed our recent trip to the Oxford Natural History Museum . First we all gathered in the museum’s lecture theatre where we met a staff member. She informed us about the museum’s unique features. One of the exhibits was a jaw bone of a dinosaur. 

After the talk we all got a bit of time to begin our worksheet that contained nine questions to answer whilst exploring the many interesting displays. Before lunch we gathered again in the lecture theatre where we were told more about evolution. 

In three groups we then went off and did different things, exploring the museum, visiting the shop and eating lunch. Next we went to the local park and recreated the Big Bang theory with our bodies, before going off  to find proof of God within the park. 

Finally we gathered back into the lecture theatre for one final activity. We were given a set of printed out bones and in groups we had to figure out the placement of the bones to make a skeleton, before answering questions about our unidentified animal. Overall the trip was very educational and extremely interesting

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