Junior Sports Days


What a fabulous way to finish the term with our UII & LIII Sports Day! All students participated in various track and field events, showcasing their talents, determination, and team spirit! Well done to all that took part, and a particular mention to the following students who broke records this year:

Yashasvee broke the Lower III 75m Sprint record

Mayowa Amira broke the Lower III Javelin record

Aadhya Shyam broke the Lower III Discus record

Final results were:

4th – Ducat

3rd – Kensington

2nd – Paget

1st – Carrington

‘Sports Day was really fun! We did lots of fun activities, and there were lots of people supporting their houses. Everyone was excited about who will win! I am proud of getting lots of ribbons and winning lots of points for my house.’ Lauren Upper II

‘I enjoyed the 75m Sprint and Hurdles because I felt on top of the world! I got 1st in both but what matters to me is fun! I found skipping really hard but I managed to persevere even though I came 4th I enjoyed it. Upper II Student. 

Lower Prep and Upper Prep Sports Day

The Lower and Upper Prep Sports Day went off with a bang in the glorious sunshine at Abbey Gardens early last week.

All the students showed fantastic resilience when competing in the hot sun to gain points for their house in various activities ranging from Netball shooting to an egg and spoon obstacle course! The overall winners were Ducat, but all the girls competed to such a high standard and were thrilled about their house cookie at the end!

Thank you to all the parents who came to support their children so enthusiastically! It adds hugely to the atmosphere and the girls loved seeing you all there! Well done everyone!

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