Junior School Wellbeing Warriors


In the Junior School we promote positive emotional health and wellbeing for our whole school community and recognise that it has equal importance to our physical health. We strive to create an environment where staff and pupils work together to ensure that everyone feels happy, safe and valued and all have the opportunity to be themselves in a safe and caring environment.

With this in mind we have created a team of ‘Wellbeing Warriors’ who are dedicated to supporting the wellbeing of their peers and promoting positive mental health within our school community. 

Following their Mental Health Champion training last summer, Lower III’s were invited to apply for the role by explaining what wellbeing meant to them and why they felt they would be a good Wellbeing Warrior. 

We were very impressed by the responses received and are excited to introduce to you our first Wellbeing Warriors – Bella, Aashvi, Safina, Elva, Anneliese and Jiya.

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