This Wednesday, four other students and I performed in The Abbey Interludes. There was a wide variety of pieces, with three lullabies such as ‘Sing Me to Sleep’, ‘Spraymist’ (both played on piano by Aryakka and Yosola respectively) as well as Amore e Morte (sung by Eleanor), ‘Sorrow’ (played on piano by Anvi) and ‘Gigue’ (which I played on the flute).

As well as watching and listening to others performances. I think the best thing about these recitals is that playing in front of a few teachers and students is great preparation for upcoming music exams (which a lot of us have soon), as it helps prepare you for playing in front of people that you wouldn’t usually perform to.

Overall, it was a great experience and I hope everybody enjoyed it as much as I did.
Amelia, Upper IV