House Art 2024: Celebrating Change


The much-anticipated House Art event of 2024 embraced the theme of Change, bringing together a dazzling array of creativity and innovation.

Competitions and Judges:

  • Best Costume: Judged by Nayna McIntosh from Smartworks, recognizing originality and craftsmanship.
  • Best Independent Makeup Effort: Judged by Dario Quintavalle, a distinguished Italian milliner, celebrating individual flair.
  • Best House Makeup Design Competition: Judged by Kate Griffiths, an accomplished theatrical SFX makeup artist, showcasing team ingenuity.

The event drew inspiration from the Guerrilla Girls, emphasizing the importance of equality in the art world and beyond. Participants wowed the audience with their imaginative interpretations, from intricately handmade butterfly and leaf costumes to the humorous pairing of grape and raisin ensembles.

A highlight of the catwalk was the appearance of Mr le Fleming, who captivated the audience with his delightfully bizarre alien makeup. 

Our heartfelt thanks go to all the participants, both on the catwalk and behind the scenes, for making this event a true celebration of artistic expression and collaboration. It was, indeed, a spectacular testament to the power of creativity.

We wish Kensington many congratulations for winning the overall event this year!

Team Art & Textile Design 

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