House Art 2023
In support of the year of ‘Creative Industries’, the Art department held a House event on Thursday 14th December.The brief was to celebrate House colours through costume and make up. Leading up to the grand catwalk finale, students were invited to enter several makeup design competitions. Winners had their House designs created on a member of staff and worked alongside make-up graduates from Iver Makeup Academy. We were fortunate enough to have Yong – Chin Breslin (winner from season 4 BBC3 ‘Glow Up’) join us and she held a makeup workshop for additional winners and some Art Scholars.

The catwalk was judged by our inspirational guest speakers – Yong – Chin and Nayna McIntosh (Smartworks, Reading: a local charity that provides women with the clothing, coaching and confidence they need to succeed in interviews). They spoke of the value of the Textile and Makeup industries and highlighted their passion to communicate and educate the importance of diversity, inclusion, and menopause in regards to these industries. There was a palpable energy throughout the afternoon and our guests were enthralled by the Abbey students’ confidence:-

This, personally, was my first ever house art and it definitely didn’t disappoint. There was so much energy from the beginning to the end and tons of support (particularly from the art department) to ensure you looked glamorous, e.g. the face painting and costume support. The highlight of the event was without a doubt the catwalk at the end; it was the best way to appreciate the outfits and makeup of the many students (and the incredible teachers) who went above and beyond. As a Ducateer, I am very proud of our mega win! – Laylajoy UV

House art this year was an incredible experience filled with enthusiasm from both the students and staff. Everyone had the task to come in fully dressed up in house colours with flamboyant makeup styles. The whole school got to see the creativity of students from each house as we watched some of the best outfits and makeup looks from each house walk down the runway! It was truly incredible and the event was made even better by our guest judges. Ducat winning overall and watching the teachers catwalk were definitely a highlight for many! Overall, I think this event was a powerful start to our year of celebrating the creative industries and I can’t wait to see more from the art department this year! – Juliette UV

Congratulations to Ducat (who won every category of the event). Well done to the wonderful students, staff and guest speakers who helped make our first big event one to remember. We look forward to returning next year bigger, better and more fabulous.

The Art & Design Department