This week, Mrs Kaura presented Abigail with a Head’s Award for her work Lower III’s inquiry into ‘People Move Around The World for Different Reasons’.
The year group were given a choice of activities to complete, and Abigail chose to write a piece entitled ‘Should people be able to migrate to any country they want?’ which explored the positives and negatives of migration for both original and host countries.
For this insightful and balanced piece of writing, Mrs Kaura was delighted to present her with the award.
Also collecting a Head’s Award was Aashvi in Lower I, for her amazing Volcanoes presentation that she shared with the rest of the year group last week.
Students were given some optional homework over the half term, encouraging them to take their scientific learning further and Aashvi did an amazing job researching and presenting her findings with enthusiasm. Well done Aashvi!