Happy New Year from The Taylor Library!


Happy new year everyone! I have a few new year’s resolutions that I really want to achieve this year and what better way to start then going to the library. There are all kinds of books there from sports to healthy eating and even economics books which give you tips on managing your money! I was sure I would find something that is right for me, and I certainly did!

My first new year’s resolution is to start a new craft project so I found this book in the library. This book is filled with amazing and unique patterns. It is really beginner friendly, but if you do want to take on a challenge you can always try the more difficult patterns at the back of the book.

My second new year’s resolution is to improve my coding skills. I was a bit confused with some aspects of computer science and this book is perfect. It has flaps which reveal useful information and is interactive and fun. This book not only has been helpful in informing me, but has very wonderful illustrations.

Another new year’s resolution is to learn something new academically. I picked this book to read because we are looking at a bit of old English in English lessons, so this book can help me investigate further.This book is really interesting and it was like going back in time to learn all about the British Isles.

My last new year’s resolution is to learn to care for myself and to make sure I can be the best version of myself. This book teaches you how to effectively care for yourself mentally and physically, from how to exercise your minds to advice on medicine and health. This book takes us on a journey filled with tips and hacks to always be happy and healthy.

I hope everyone will go to the library and find something that they are interested in and will enjoy these books. Have a nice year filled with fun!

Candy, Upper III (Reading Champion)

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