Fun Run Charities


We had a fantastic Fun Run just before half term and it was great to see everyone back together for our first Junior School sporting event since 2020. 

This year we decided to join with the charity committee and raise money for four local animal charities. The students raised a fantastic overall amount of £2427.00 and on Tuesday 14 June we visited two of the charities to present them with our donations. 

Ducat raised £500 for Diana Brimblecombe Rescue Centre in Hurst. We had a full tour of the facilities including their new kennels which can house up to 14 dogs, and met newborn guinea pigs and two kittens called Chloe and Smokey. 

Araliya in Lower III commented “I really enjoyed seeing the place we were donating to and it inspired me to volunteer and adopt animals in the future”. 

Our second visit was the donations that Kensington raised totaling £585 for Just Around the Corner Wokingham. 

Libby in Lower III said “I thought it was great to see the animals and what we were supporting. It was funny when the horse sneezed on me!”. 

Miss Steele will visit Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary to pass on Paget’s donations of £669 and we are hoping to have a visit from Carrington’s charity, The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, to present them with their £673. It is always great to be able to give back to the community that needs it the most and you should all be pleased with how much you raised and supported these organisations. 

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