We had an amazing day at The University of Reading’s Inaugural Community Festival 2023!
This event was a brand new one day festival held at The University of Reading. The University’s award winning campus was a beautiful back-drop to a busy, vibrant and fun family friendly extravaganza held on Saturday 13 May.
Created by the local community, for the people of Reading, the Community Festival brought together local residents, small businesses, charities and organisations from across the town, with outstanding live music, theatre, art and performances for children and grown ups to get involved with throughout the day.
The one day event showcased some of the most fascinating research currently taking place in Reading. There were also lots of characters from Star Wars as well!
The Abbey Seniors Art Department worked alongside the University’s ArtLab (www.readingartlab.com) to produce a stellar cast of Story Stars! We had an amazing number of participants eager to invent, design, create and build their very own literary micro heroes!
There was a broad range of ages taking part and they were all immersed in our activities. The use of accessible and easy to use materials, clear story map sheets and explanation, led to very productive and meaningful interactions.
We are looking forward to being part of this wonderful event again next year.
Jon Lockhart, Teacher of Art