

Chess Success

Last Wednesday 8 of our chess players took part in the 3rd  'She plays to win' online chess to...

Poetry Competition

In December, I entered a Poem called 'Sweet Solstice' to a Poetry Competition in Somerset in the a...

Abbey Interludes Recital

On Wednesday we had the pleasure of listening to four fantastic musical performances as part of our...

Berkshire Football Squad

Emily in Upper IV, has recently represented The Abbey in the Berkshire Schools FA U14s - playi...

Textiles Pyjama Project

The Upper III were super excited to try on their completed pyjamas this week. They have achieve...

German Film Study Day

Lower VI German students went to the IMax cinema in London last week for a study day on films about...

County Cross Country Success

Last Saturday a number of students from the Senior School competed at the Berkshire Schools Cross ...

Abbey Interludes Recital

This week saw our second Abbey Interludes Recital of the spring term.  Staff and students h...

Wonderful Wednesday

Wonderful Wednesday saw The Abbey participate in gymnastics, swimming and football against local sc...

Shoebox Scheme

Our Lower IV students have taken part in the Rotary Shoebox Scheme which sees shoeboxes delivered ...

Other Articles

Lower III Assembly 

This week's Lower III assembly was a celebration of the UN Day of the Girl and the students of ...

Inspiring Art – “WALKING MAN DIARY”

Ian Breakwell was a prolific artist who took a multi-media approach to his observations of society....
