ARTiculation Regional Winner 2023


On Thursday 23 February Anushka (Lower VI), our Abbey representative, took part in the Articulation Regional final against nine other students. It is with great pleasure that we announce that she was selected to go through to the Southern Final with her ten minute presentation on Leigh Bowery’s ‘Baby doll dress’ (1994). Bowery was a club promoter, designer, artist and model for painter, Lucien Freud. He was a leading figure in London’s style-fixated underground scene in the mid 1980s. He was outlandish, ‘taboo’ and fabulous. 

Jo Baring the ARTiculation adjudicator, art historian, writer and curator thanked all speakers for a wonderful afternoon, stating that all presentations had been completely incredible and that if this was the future of art history and public speaking, then we should all consider ourselves very lucky.

She continued to congratulate Anushka on an ‘amazing presentation’ which had the audience enraptured and engaged. Jo praised her for her personal response and for bringing the work up to date. She additionally applauded Anushka for her formal criticism and for her inclusion of social history, as well as her brilliant scene setting. Finally, Jo thanked Anushka for reminding us all that Leigh Bowery continues to be an inspiration.

We are very proud of Anushka’s dedication and efforts. It has been a joy to watch the whole process unfold and a pleasure to watch the final. Well done and all the best for the next round in a few weeks time.

Mrs J Barrett

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