On Thursday 3 November all of the art scholars were invited to an afterschool tea party. When we arrived, we were welcomed with some lovely food, drinks and a beautiful set up. Firstly, we talked about why we think there aren’t enough people in the creative arts industry and how the school and us can help support changing the narrative. We will begin our programme of study this year on working with the art department to raise more awareness of these industries. Afterwards, our tables had a challenge to recreate an artwork using our chosen member of staff. We had to dress them up using only limited items such as toilet roll and pipe cleaners. Our table dressed Ms Brunskill as the painting ‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch. We had a lot of fun creating our teachers as different artworks and in the end they all looked amazing! On our tables we were mixed with students from many different year groups. I enjoyed bonding with the lower and upper years, hearing their ideas and thoughts about what we should do. I feel that we don’t often get the chance to bond with different year groups at school so this was a fun opportunity to do so.
Chloe LV