An Exciting Day at the Tate Modern: Lower V and Lower VI Art Students’ Inspirational Trip


Last week, Lower V and Lower VI Art students embarked on an inspiring and thought-provoking visit to the Tate Modern, offering invaluable exposure to innovative works that will greatly influence their upcoming projects.

The Lower V 3D Art students were captivated by the Solid Light exhibition by Antony McCall, an immersive experience that explores the intersection of projected light and mist. McCall’s work pushes the boundaries of traditional sculpture, creating three-dimensional forms that seem to float in space, both visible and ephemeral. For these students, this exhibition was not just an aesthetic experience but a vital source of inspiration for their own upcoming project on fragmented light. They explored how light can be manipulated to create dynamic, shifting shapes, an essential concept for their studies in 3D art.

Meanwhile, the Lower VI students took in the striking works of Mike Kelley, whose exhibition provided a deep dive into his prolific career. Kelley’s pieces, which draw from a vast array of sources such as popular culture, underground movements, literature, and philosophy, examine the complex roles we play in society. His work reflects on the entanglement between historical truths and the imaginary figures found in films and media. For Lower VI students, Kelley’s ability to mix historical references with contemporary culture offered a powerful lens through which to view the narratives we construct and consume.

Both exhibitions left the students brimming with ideas and new perspectives, enriching their understanding of light, form, and societal themes. The visit not only fueled their creativity but also deepened their appreciation for how art can challenge and expand our view of the world around us.

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