Amersham Field Trip


This week Upper III went to Amersham Field Centre on an exciting Geography trip. We learnt about the similarities and differences between deciduous and coniferous woodlands.  

We experimented and learnt how to use new equipment that we hadn’t encountered before. First we did a set activity where we studied the plants, temperature, soil and light in both forests to then compare the results. During this time, we also learnt some important skills on identifying species of plants by using the equipment provided. 

After a quick lunch and analysing the morning’s data, we were back out in the field, and this time, we were working towards our own target. Each group came up with a research question and then we collected data using the equipment and skills we had learnt in the morning to see if our hypothesis was correct. 

We all agreed that it was really fun and a great independent learning experience. Each group came up with something unique and interesting which we shared with the rest of the class. We all can’t wait for more exciting trips like this.

Amelia, Darcy, Nona – Upper III

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