Last week the Junior School celebrated British Science Week 2022; there were competitions, assemblies, quizzes and more!
The week kicked off with an interactive assembly from our Science Captains. Ishita, Shreeya, Matilda and Aarika led a fascinating assembly, and were able to share their knowledge of electricity and the human body with hands-on activities for Upper and Lower Prep. The assembly was also live streamed to the rest of the school, who had their own resources, so they could also take part in the fun!

One tradition that the students always look forward to is the annual Inter-House Science Quiz. All students from Lower I to Lower III took part in the online quiz that tested their knowledge of all aspects of science including rocks, space and parts of the skeleton. All the scores from each year group were totted up and the final scores were…
1st – Paget 3389 points
2nd – Ducat 3290 points
3rd – Kensington 3013 points
4th – Carrington 2886 points
Well done Paget!
Each break time the Science Captains led interactive activities for the students. Lower I enjoyed making their own paper planes and seeing how far they could fly. Upper I were challenged to create the most stable, plasticine boat that would hold the largest number of bears. Upper II enjoyed making spinners and testing how they travelled when dropped from different heights. The competitive spirit was high in Lower III, when they had a number of small competitions that tested the accuracy and strength of their catapults. A lot of fun was had by all.

In the Early Years, the Nursery and Reception students had a special assembly with Mrs Jones where they experienced chemical reactions and electric circuits. They were able to continue their learning though the week and really enjoyed investigating the energy stick Mrs Jones lent them.
Another highlight was our annual science competition. This year over 100 students from across the school worked hard to design a logo for the ‘Logo Lift Off’ competition. All entries were submitted for judging for this national competition. So fingers crossed, we might have one of our designs blasting off into space some time soon.

In addition to all these wonderful activities, every morning an inspirational story of an individual smashing stereotypes and highlighting the importance of inclusion and diversity in STEM was shared with the students.
Mrs Jones