Over the summer and autumn terms, Upper Preps nimble fingers and minds, have been engaged, enthused and busy, learning a very simple yet effective craft. They have learnt to finger knit and weave with a myriad of colorful yarns, of different textures and thickness, to create beautifully handcrafted gifts.
Handwork lessons/clubs are more than just a way of developing finger dexterity, fine-motor skills and practical skills. Handwork/crafting with hands also creates a foundation for a sense of self-reliance, eye-hand co-ordination, perseverance, well-being and problem solving.
Many of these skills help children to gain confidence in reading, writing, geometry, art, science history, and many other aspects of learning.
Research shows that knitting, sewing, crafting, weaving, and crocheting offers a positive therapeutic impact on emotional wellness (self-regulation) and on brain health. Finger knitting in particular, strengthens both sides of the brain, satisfying the right brain’s desire for beauty and creation while stimulating the left brain’s need for order and process.
The girls in Upper Prep have created some wonderful creations for themselves and to give as gifts this festive season and beyond. The simplicity and effectiveness of finger knitting makes it an accessible craft. No needles, no tools, just hands and fingers. Did you know you could finger knit belts and scarves, besides being able to make jewelry, gift wrapping strings, bookmarks, hair bands and whatever one’s creative imagination inspires you to create!