A Level Art Exhibition 2023


It was a pleasure to welcome visitors to our A Level Exhibition 2023 private view this week on the afternoon of Tuesday 27 June. Personal experience was a key driver for the raw and honest outcomes achieved in this wonderfully varied and poignant body of work. Themes included Objectification, Construct and Destruct, Travel, Sleep as well as Symbolism and Iconology. One of our Upper IV parents expressed the following:- 

This week we had the pleasure of attending the A Level Art Exhibition on site at the Turret House. As we explored the exhibition and admired the students’ creations, we were truly impressed by the exceptional quality of the art on display.’ 

‘The exhibition showcased a diverse range of art forms, including installations, photography and portraiture. What captivated us the most were some of the thought-provoking themes that the students fearlessly explored, addressing increasing everyday issues from positive mental health to gender inequality within our communities.’

‘This exhibition beautifully showcases the immense talent of the A Level Art students within the school, providing a wonderful opportunity for the entire Abbey Community to appreciate and enjoy when they visit.’

There was a wonderful turnout at this event and we were delighted to welcome all 4 students with their families to celebrate their A Level Art Journey. The biggest thank you also to our Abbey and wider communities for visiting and supporting the exhibition. 

The art team would love to invite anyone who’s not yet been able to visit to join us and explore the exhibition which is now open until the end of September 2023 (viewing by arrangement with Mackerethel@theabbey.co.uk). Please come and support and marvel at the wonderful array and range of work produced. Well done Upper VI artists, biggest congratulations on all you have achieved and wishing you every success in the future!

The Art Department

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