A Career in Law


One of the country’s most eminent judges provided students with a unique insight into a career in law last week. Court of Appeal Judge, The Rt. Hon. Lady Justice Geraldine Andrews DBE addressed 160 students in the Hardcastle Hall.  She spoke candidly about her journey to the Bar which started in Reading when a solicitor identified at a school career’s talk that she had the communication and performance skills to become a barrister.

In a talk laced with information, advice and anecdotes, Dame Geraldine spoke about the structure of the court system, degree courses and stories of courage, fearlessness and resilience. She advised that learning to cope with failure was a key attribute in becoming a barrister and countered it by describing the euphoria of a great day in court when you’ve put forward your argument and the court appears to have received it well!

An honest, refreshing and practical talk whether interested in a career at the Bar, in law or identifying how to make good choices that further your passions and play to your strengths. She was told by a mentor that if she was good enough and courageous enough she would rise to the top. As one of the highest ranking judges in England and Wales, she has! 

We were delighted to invite students from Kendrick, The Holt, Reading School, Highdown and Gillotts, as part of The Abbey Ideas+ Passion Programme. Our thanks also to members of the judiciary, police and education in Reading, who joined us for this very special evening.

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