Monthly Archives: October, 2024


Lower V Textiles

This week the Lower V Textiles students have been exploring the ancient Japanese art of Shibori dyi...

Indigenous Civilizations

Indigenous civilizations in the Spanish Speaking World (Las civilizaciones indígenas en el ...

Junior School Dance Workshop

To start off Junior School Arts Week, The Junior School enjoyed a visit from Felix Clement a profes...

Poetry Slam

The Junior School enjoyed taking part in The Abbey's Annual Poetry Slam. Each year group from R...

Little Knellies

At Little Knellies, the children's literary adventure continued with Julia Donaldson’s "Room on...

Wonderful Woodwind!

The final Interludes Recital before the half-term break showcased two instruments from the woodwind...

Piano Recital

On Wednesday afternoon, we had a wonderful piano recital at the Senior School. It was really great ...

DNA Biology

On Wednesday, the Lower V Biology classes had a fun end to half term by extracting DNA from onions....

Candlelit Procession

All Abbey families are invited to join us after school on Monday 2 December for our Candlelit Proce...

Textiles Bags

Upper III have almost completed their zipped bags. Using twigs, petals and leaves they arrange...
