
It’s been a year punctuated by a glittering succession of awards, moments when we have celebrated the best of an independent girls’ education – a fitting acknowledgement of The Abbey School’s creativity and culture. The tributes we have received feel especially resonant during a year in which we witness our entire sector navigating a testing period. And the wider world constantly moves forward too. We have a new government in the UK and another on the way Stateside, while our day-to-day lives adjust into the age of AI. Despite – nay because of this – as a prep school, our education continually evolves to meet the future needs of the young children in our care. And one thing remains untouched: our school’s persistent, beautifully courageous ambition to shape young minds.

Education’s most important, and defining, characteristic is change. That means that our teachers are reflective practitioners, forever adapting and innovating anew. We observe the impact of the lessons we lead and adjust the next, in order to hone each child’s onward progress, working tirelessly to offer a daily experience which is so unfailingly original and wide-ranging. We place equal importance on the co-curricular opportunities which our children are offered, as much as the academic outcomes in our core subjects. And at the heart of our daily endeavour, is the shared moral desire to positively influence each girl’s personal development, nurturing them to grow into the very best version of themselves.

On that note, this Abbey: Connected hits The Gateway during one of my favourite points in the year, when our Junior School’s daily shape gives way to carol services, nativity plays and candlelit processions for a brief, sparkling moment. The performing arts are a jolt to the senses after four months of this term, and it’s always a joy to witness those girls whose personalities are ignited by their participation and a community brought together in numerous celebratory ways.

Change, perseverance, joy and resilience – these are the themes underpinning this term, as we head into the final weeks of what has been a pivotal year. Our seasonal festivities continue for my last few days at The Abbey; over eighteen years of working alongside such dedicated, passionate colleagues and serving such engaging, bright children makes it hard to authentically acknowledge in words how they have nourished me daily. My hope for you, and us, is that through the highs and lows, we continue to take inspiration from our committed community, greeting every day, every joy, and the inevitable challenges, with meaning, creativity and originality.

Our school will always have a very special place in my heart and I shall continue to track its progress with an enormous sense of interest and pride. And for all that you gave me – every relationship nurtured and every lesson learnt – I shall remain forever thankful. Season’s Greetings to you all.

Nisha Kaura, Head of The Abbey Junior School

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